• H O M E
  • A B O U T
  • S U P P O R T
  • C O N T A C T

September, 2021


France, Brittany

Brittany was towards the end of September 2021, and I went out there with Andy, Tash, and Peg.

We took the overnight ferry from Portsmouth to St Marlo. The French were so hospitable, and Vincent who arranged the competition was the host with the most.

Accommodating us in surf shacks on a little island, we were fed a watered each day and taken the surf at numerous beaches.

Getting to try out electric surf boards which helped to push you into waves. Although the surf was small for the competition, after we spent the morning splashing around in the water and a group of us paddled a mile out to sea, for a few to jump off some rocks. There were six of us, and all were adaptive surfers. Ranging from below knee amputates to arm amputees. None of which stopped us!

There was a massive sense of achievement once we made it back to shore. With help, I might add from the electric boards!

Once the tide turned, we had about waist high waves, which was enough to hold the competition.

I won my division, but not the competition overall.


Brittany is amazing and the people fun to hang out with.